Shabbos Parshas Tetzaveh/Zachor/Purim – 5773

** PLEASE NOTE: Change in schedule for Maariv on Motzei Shabbos. As soon as Shabbos ends, we will say Boruch Hamavdil and go to get our Megillahs. Maariv will be at 6:40 PM, followed by Megillah.

There will be a Farbrengen following davening sponsored by Dovid Astulin in honor of the yorzeit of his mother A”H.

Hearing Shabbos Zachor kriah is required for Men. Women and girls who can make it to Shul, should do so. Kriah will take place at approximately 11:00 AM.

Good Shabbos.

Candle Lighting 5:20 PM
Friday Mincha 5:30 PM
Kabolas Shabbos 6:05 PM
Shabbos Mincha 5:20 PM
Shabbos Ends 6:21 PM
Maariv & Megillah 6:40 PM
Sunday Shachris 7:45 AM
Sunday Krias Hatorah 8:05 AM
Sunday Megillah 8:15 AM