All posts by Gabboim

Parshas Vayeira – 5773

Mazel Tov to Elad Sagi and his Kallah upon their engagement. May they build a Bayis Ne'eman and a Binyan Adei Ad. This week there will be a Kiddush sponsored by an anonymous donor. This coming Monday Chof Cheshvan, The weekly Halacha Shiur will take place at 8:00 PM followed by Maariv. Following Maariv there will be … Continue Reading ››

Parshas Lech Lecha 5773

We would like to wish a mazal tov to Shimon Sherr on the engagement of his son. L’chaim will take place I”H Monday night at Eishel, 727 Kingston Avenue. Please come join him and say L’chaim. Good News! Sunday morning shiur will celebrate its first siyum on Mesechtas Taanis with a breakfast special. All are invited … Continue Reading ››

Parshas Noach 5773

Mazel Tov to Choni Goldman and his wife on the birth of a baby boy. Sholom Zochor will take place at 656 Crown St. Mazel Tov to Mendy Wilhelm on the birth of his daughter. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Menachem & Goldie Lerman. Mazel Tov to Aryeh Leib Fuss & family on the birth of a … Continue Reading ››