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Tiferes Menachem Shul News
Shabbos Parshas Vayikra, Rosh Chodesh – 5775 שבת פרשת ויקרא, ראש חודש ניסן
This week’s Kiddush is sponsored by Aron Moshe Calbo as a seudas Hodaah for his son’s recovery. And by Shmuly Goldman in honor of his birthday. We wish him a shnas hatzlocha.
Good Shabbos.
Happening this week
Shabbos 1 Nissan
Rosh Chodesh
Parshat Hachodesh
On the Shabbat that falls on or before the 1st of Nissan, a special reading called “Hachodesh” (Exodus 12:1-20) is added to the regular Shabbat Torah reading. Hachodesh recounts G-d’s historic communication to Moses in Egypt on the 1st of Nissan (2 weeks before the Exodus) regarding the Jewish calendar, the month of Nissan and the Passover offering.
‘Nasi’ of the Day
Beginning today, and continuing through Nissan 13, we recite the verses (from Numbers ch. 7) describing the offerings made by the “princes” (nesi’im) of the 12 tribes of Israel (see “Mishkan inaugurated”). Today we read of the gift bought by Nachshon ben Aminadav, the nasi of the tribe of Judah, on this date. Tomorrow we read of Issachar’s gift, and so on for the 12 tribes. On the 13th of Nissan we read G-d’s instructions to Aaron regarding the kindling of the menorah, which represents the participation of the priestly tribe of Levi.
Candle Lighting
6:49 PM
Friday Mincha
6:59 PM
Kabolas Shabbos
7:34 PM
Shabbos Mincha
6:50 PM
Shabbos Ends
7:51 PM
Shalom Zachor
* Binyomin and Blumshi Dubroff at 895 Eastern Parkway between albany and Troy
* Elchonon and Nechami (nee Malka) Deutsch at 440 Brooklyn ave Apt 2g
* Danny and Chana Sara (Newfield) Freundlich at at 670 Crown Street (Btwn Troy & Schenectady).
* Mendy & Faigy Stone (nee Goldstein) at 618 Empire Blvd.
* Yaniv and Brina Bazel at 427 Sterling street, between Brooklyn and New York ave
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