Shabbos Parshas Tzav – 5775 שבת פרשת צו

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Tiferes Menachem Shul News
Shabbos Parshas Tzav – 5775 שבת פרשת צו
This week’s Kiddush is sponsored by Yossi Laine in honor of a Yorzeit. We wish him Arichus Yomim.
Good Shabbos.
Happening this week
Shabbos 8 Nissan, Shabbos Hagadol
The Shabbat before Passover is termed Shabbat HaGadol (“The Great Shabbat”) in commemoration of the “great miracle” that happened in Egypt on this day, heralding the Exodus from Egypt five days later. Shabbat HaGadol customs include reading a portion of the Haggadah (from “Avadim hayinu…” to “…al kol avonotainu”), which tells the story of the Exodus; it is also customary that the rabbi of the community delivers a lecture in which he elaborates on the laws of Passover and their significance, in preparation for the festival.
Lubavitcher Rebbe Born (1902)

Tuesday 11 Nissan
The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory, was born on this date in 1902.

Thursday 13 Nissan
Passing of Tzemach Tzeddek (1866)
The third Rebbe of Chabad, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn of Lubavitch (1789-1866; known as the “Tzemach Tzeddek” after his Halachic work by that name), passed away on Nissan 13.

Search for Chametz Tonight
In preparation for the festival of Passover, in which even the possession of any form of leavened food (“chametz”) is strictly forbidden, a final search is conducted after nightfall to remove every last crumb of chametz from our homes and property.

Friday 14 Nissan, Erev Pesach
Fast of the Firstborn
Firstborn males over the age of Bar Mitzvah (13) are obligated to fast on the 14th of Nissan, in recognition of the fact that during the “Plague of the Firstborn” (which occurred at midnight of Nissan 15) G-d “passed over” the Jewish firstborn when He killed all firstborn Egyptians. If there is a firstborn male in the family under 13, the obligation to fast rests with the father. The prevailing custom, however, is for the firstborn to exempt themselves from the obligation to fast by participating in a seudat mitzvah (a meal marking the fulfillment of a mitzvah), such as a siyyum–a festive meal celebrating the conclusion of the study of a section of Torah).

Chametz Eating Deadline
The Torah (Exodus 12:15, as per Talmud, Pesachim 5a) sets midday of Nissan 14–today–as the deadline for the destruction and/or removal of all leavened foods (“chametz”) from our possession in preparation for the festival of Passover, which begins this evening at nightfall. In practice, Torah law mandates that we desist from eating chametz two hours before midday, and that no leaven remain in our possession an hour before midday. These are not clock hours but “proportional hours”, defined by Jewish law as a 12th part of the time between sunrise and sunset.

From this point until the end of the festival of Passover, it is forbidden to eat leaven, or anything containing even the slightest trace of leaven.
In Crown Heights: Finish eating Chometz by 10:51, Burn Chometz by 11:55

Burn and Nullify Chametz
Chametz is disposed of by: a) selling it to a non-Jew; b) burning the chametz found in our search on the previous evening (see entry for Nissan 13); c) “nullifying” the chametz that has not been found by declaring it ownerless.

The deadline for selling, burning and nullifying chametz is one “proportional hour” before midday.From this point until the end of the festival of Passover, it is forbidden to eat leaven, derive benefit from it in any way, own it or have it in one’s possession.

Passover Offering
When the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, the Passover offering was brought there on the afternoon of Nissan 14. Today it is commemorated by our recitation of the “Order of the Passover Offering” this afternoon, by the “shankbone” placed on the seder plate this evening, and the afikoman — a portion of matzah eaten in its stead at the end of the seder meal.

Passover Seder Tonight
The 8-day festival of Passover–also called “The Festival of Matzahs” and “The Time of Our Freedom”–begins tonight at nightfall.

In the evening, we conduct a seder (“order”) — a 15-part ritualistic feast that encompasses the observances of the Passover festival: telling our children the story of the Exodus as described and expounded in the Haggadah; eating the matzah (unleavened bread), the bitter herbs dipped in charoset, and the afikoman (an additional portion of matzah eaten as “dessert” in commemoration of the Passover offering); drinking the four cups of wine; and numerous other symbolic foods and rituals commemorating both our slavery in Egypt and our liberation on this night.

Candle Lighting

6:56 PM

Friday Mincha

7:06 PM

Kabolas Shabbos


Shabbos Mincha

6:55 PM

Shabbos Ends

7:57 PM

Shalom Zachor
* Shlome & Tzivia (Kaplinsky) Zwiebel at At 551 Brooklyn Av 3rd floor Between Maple & Midwood
* Yossi and Batsheva (nee Schreiber) Shomer at 645 Lefferts Avenue, Apt. 2G, between Albany and Troy

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