Shabbos Parshas Mishpatim – 5774 שבת פרשת משפטים

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Tiferes Menachem Shul News
Shabbos Parshas Mishpatim – 5774 שבת פרשת משפטים
Mevarchim Adar I
The Kiddush this week is being sponsored by Dovid Astulin in honor of a Yorzeit. May you be blessed with Arichus Yomim V’Shonim Tovos. And by Herschel Kupchin in honor of he birth of a grandchild. Mazel Tov!

The weekly Gemara shiur just had a Siyum on מסכת חגיגה and this Sunday will be starting מסכת מגילה. Shiur is given by Rabbi Yossi Yarmush. All are welcome.

Shabbos Mevarchim Tehillim at 8:00 AM.

Molad will be on Friday January 31, 2014 2:26 (7 chalakim) AM

Good Shabbos.
Happening this week.
Friday 30 Shevat – Shabbos 1 Adar I
Rosh Chodesh

If you would like your Simcha announced in this email, please send details by Thursday to or notify one of the Gabboim.
Candle Lighting

4:45 PM

Friday Mincha

4:55 PM

Kabolas Shabbos

5:30 PM

Shabbos Mincha

4:45 PM

Shabbos Ends

5:49 PM


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