Shabbos Parshas Matos-Massai – 5773 פרשת מטות-מסעי

The Kiddush this week is being sponsored by Zushe Rimler in honor of Chazak.

Mazel Tov to Shneur Zalman Kalman Zirkind upon the Bar-Mizvah of his son.
Mazel Tov to the Lerman’s upon the Bris of their grandchild.

The Monday night shiur takes place at 8:10 – 9:10 followed by Maariv.
Good Shabbos.

Candle Lighting 8:11 PM
Friday Mincha 8:21 PM
Kabolas Shabbos 8:56 PM
Shabbos Mincha 8:10 PM
Shabbos Ends 9:20 PM