Shabbos Parshas Ki Savoh – 5775 שבת פרשת כי תבוא

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Tiferes Menachem Shul News
Shabbos Parshas Ki Savoh – 5775 שבת פרשת כי תבוא
This week’s Kiddush is sponsored by the Kupchin family in honor of the shloshim of their beloved father, husband and grandfather Reb צבי הירש ניסל ע”ה.

And co-sponsored by Reb Zalman Sosever in honor of the yartzeit of his father.

The seats in the shul are being sold. The forms are on the Bima during the week and online at at the Shul website ( . Please fill it out and bring it with your payment to one of the Gaboim.

Slichos will take place on Motzei Shabbos at 1:00 AM.

During the week, Slichos will be at 6:00AM, 6:30AM and 7:15AM.

כתיבה וחתימה טובה

Pirkei Avos Perek 3-4.

Good Shabbos.
Happening this week

Candle Lighting

7:05 PM

Friday Mincha

7:15 PM

Kabolas Shabbos

7:50 PM

Shabbos Mincha

7:00 PM

Shabbos Ends

8:04 PM

Shalom Zachor
* Moshe And Miriam Silver at 703 Lefferts Ave. [between Albany And Troy Aves.]
* Peretz And Blumi (nee Lison) Mishulovin at 1459 President St. [between Kingston And Albany Aves.]

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