There will be a Kiddush & Farbrengen after davening sponsored by the Shul in preparation for the coming yom tov of Shavuos.
PLEASE NOTE: In keeping with the Rebbe’s directive, Mincha on Shabbos will be at 6:30PM followed by a Shalosh Seudos Achdus Farbrengen & Shiur. Rabbi Chaim Shaul Bruk of LAHAK will be joining us.
** In 5746 the Rebbe made a Bakasha Nafshis, quoted below from Sichos in English:
“Therefore I propose the following soulful request:This coming Shabbos, during the time of Minchah — late afternoon — Jewish people all over the world should gather in great numbers — men, women and children: “with our youth and elders,…our sons and daughters,” in a manner of “brothers dwelling together.” There should be joyous gatherings of friends and festive meals (of course — men & women separately).At these gatherings words of Torah should be spoken on the topic of Ahavas Yisroel and Jewish unity. The entire subject should be broadly covered.
The Monday night Halacha shiur will explore the question: Can one travel to the Catskill mountains Friday afternoon before shabbos?
8:05 PM followed by Maariv.
Good Shabbos.
Candle Lighting 7:43 PM
Friday Mincha 7:53 PM
Kabolas Shabbos 8:28 PM
Shabbos Mincha 6:30 PM
Shabbos Ends 8:49 PM